What is ‘The Bourgeois Punk’?

The Bourgeois Punk is the Artist’s online identity; an alias; a fabrication. It is the latest iteration of the artist’s expressive formation on the internet. It points to the central conflicts at play in the Artist’s life in the present moment. It is a Multimedia Artist interested in utilizing new technologies for story-telling, myth-making, and activism.

Who is [redacted]?

The name of the individual responsible for this content is kept private for the purpose of creative liberation. The true name of the Artist is intimately tied to the portfolio of a free-agent in the 21st century corporate job marketplace, but nevertheless also remains professionally tied to the body of work produced by [redacted], therefore…

…to learn the true name of the Artist, start a conversation on Twitter or Instagram.

Just say hi.

Subscribe to Notes from the Life of the Bourgeois Punk

Subscribe to follow a rising, queer, Multimedia Artist based in Minneapolis, MN.


Torn between a mounting discomfort with my own privilege and an instinctive comfort with my own class.